Dear friend, As the polarization around us intensifies, it's a daily challenge to not lose balance and fall into despair. In the midst of chaos, many of us wonder how to remain centered?
I often calm and center myself by sketching and writing. Spontaneous lines, images, words, messages and haikus flow thru me. Never knowing what will appear, I do notice recurring themes such as... angels, mother Gaia and earthstar daughter, whale and bird kin, ancestars, waves, flames, feathers, plants, symbols and more. Sometimes sad and despairing, sometimes happy and hopeful, these drawings help move energy and express the shifting ocean of emotions within and without. If one of these COLORING PAGES speaks to you, feel free to pull onto your desktop, print out, draw on, add to and color in!
Remember & Rise 9 - 12/14/24
when confusion rains
let yourself surrender
to a deeper wisdom
Remember & Rise 10 - 12/14/24
learn to flow and root
with Trust we let go and ground
center in heart-sound
Remember & Rise 11 - 12/12/24
we are earth and sky
we are held in Gaia's heart
Remember & Rise 12 - 12/13/24
the way thru is in
with each breath begin to ground
in the sound of HU

Remember & Rise 1 - 8/29/20
earthstar daughter stands tall upon our ravaged earth
she sends rainbow roots deep into the Mother
roots to help her withstand the relentless storms
tenderly carrying the dream of healing in her heartmind
she soars high above the chaos
her spirit inspires others to rise and remember
when we hold strong our vision of an evolved earth
the power of our collective heart will carry us thru the darkness
to the serene shore of awakening

Remember & Rise 2 - 9/2/20
earthstar daughter remember and rise
each time fear clouds your eyes
whenever fear knocks you down
rise up,reach out, look around
do you remember what you came here for?
why your soul stepped thru the human door?
we are here to awaken, learn and grow
we rise higher with each truth we know
trust the truth that embracing fear makes us strong
trust the truth that our mistakes are never wrong
we are growing in the knowing that we are One With All
full trust in this Truth and we will never fall

Remember & Rise 3 - 9/6/20
On this Labor Day weekend, reflecting on these trying times we are living through has inspired a drawing to share with you.
Symbols that mean much to me showed up in this musing: sacred arrow of the Awakened Feminine, whalesoul of compassion,
fire of transformation, sacred earth of the four directions.
covidtimes labor day haiku
our sacred labor
united we protect Her
earth heart is our heart

Remember & Rise 4 - 9/10/20
Our skies are filled with smoke. Our hearts are clouded with grief.
How do we proceed in times of great need?
fire all around!
how do we find our center?
HER heart beats in us.
overwhelm engulfs!
how do we not get knocked down?
HER body holds us.
darkness overcomes!
how do we find our way home?
HER spirit guides us.

Remember & Rise 5 - 9/25/20 Tuesday was fall equinox. A holy moment of equilibrium. A moment where day and night are of equal length A moment of balance between light and dark. Though the earth faithfully follows Her harmonious, cosmic cycles, civilization at this moment in time is anything but balanced. It can feel as if we are spinning out of control. When the chaos becomes overwhelming and too much to bear, be still. Take a moment to breathe, to pray... be nourished by the protection and love of our ancestors and angels.
when chaos surrounds
climb to higher ground and meet
kin who support you
reach high in your mind
and find within your heart YOU
guiding you to truth
Remember & Rise 6 - 10/3/2020
With bruised hearts, we emerge from the assault on our collective psyche that was the first presidential debate.
When the ground beneath us cracks, shakes and shifts, hold on to the Truth of Trust.
When the wave of misinformation hits like a tsunami, hold on to the Truth of Love.
cross pollination
our current of Love flows strong
sharing heart wisdom
Remember & Rise 7 - 10/12/20
beloved Earthstar Children
REMEMBER we can balance fear with LOVE
with each tender breath
RISE up into the LIGHT and heal your breaking heart
the challenges of life provide fertile ground for awakening...
we are transforming into AWAKENED butterflies of BEAUTY!
Remember & Rise 8 - 10/16/20
Somedays are heavy with doubt and despair. Other days are light with trust and hope. I give thanks for those precious moments when my heart opens to the Beautiful possibilities that arise like a phoenix from the ashes of these chaotic and fiery times of transformation.
Yesterday was the new moon in Libra� a magnified moment to plant vision-seeds of harmony, justice and balance. All potential exists within the vision of our heart-eye. Our positive visions are flames of inspiration that we pass on to others, lighting hearts with hope.
Beloved Earthstar Children� remember and rise!
Sing in a world of balance!