New Moon Visions was founded 3 decades ago in 1994. I am deeply grateful to be able to offer my visions thru paintings, prints and other artgifts. Thank you from my heart for your support of my artwork over all these years. May you be blessed by Grace, mara
Rainbow Warrior Awaken!
(flying free series)
©2004 Mara Berendt Friedman
acrylic on canvas, 16 x 20 in.
Rainbow Warrior, awaken to your Power!
Shine your Beauty Light, now is the hour!
Mother Gaia asks that you server Her well...
Become Butterfly... fly free from your shell!
(poem ©2004 Mara)
The first painting I did of the Rainbow Warrior. Butterfly Woman of Transformation carries both Native American and African energies. She is an awakened human being with all seven chakras activated. The healing light and power of the sun streams from her hand to the earth. She looks to White Spirit Butterfly for guidance.